Sunday, March 25, 2007

US Atomic Bombing of Japan 1945

I think that the Atomic Bombing of Japan, was the top news of the century. I do think this because there were a lot of deaths in the event. Also the Bombing created a huge debate, that people still argue up until today, if dropping the Atomic Bomb was a good idea, or if it was a bad one. This event basically influenced the world. This is because during this time, was the time were things were getting updated ex: such as better weapons. The use of the bomb told the Japanese that they had technology that they could not have matched.The US Atomic Bomb killed many innocent people. Not only did it kill the people but it destroded of two mayor cities which were Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Before the bombing some people couldn't decided whether to use the bombs or not to use them, but at the end the president made the final call. Personally I don't think that there was a bigger event then the dropping of the bomb.

One thing I would change in the places of the top 100 new stories, would be the placement of the Cuban missile crisis, which was number 35. I do believe that this is much more important because it could have caused another World War. Throughfore i think that this should be placed higher up.

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