Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The European Union

Europe has always been a place for a conflict. But, these conflicts werent that major until the middle 1800s. After around World War II they finally made up. The European Union was first made basically as a way to maintain an economic relationship. This relationship would be between the coal and steel producers of Europe. The European Union became a "spiritual" clone of the US. Because of this the European Union was extremely similar with the US. Europe also got the concept with the pqassports from the US. Because in the US itis not required to have a passport to go from state to stgate, unless you leave the country. Another similarity is the nonexistence of restrictive laws. There are other similarity too. Now that there is an amazing growths in economy, they’ve become powerful(a world power).
The European Union has made Euro which is now higher then the American Dollar, and it is used most widely today. This is basically another challenge for the U.S.
Europe has stoped the caos that was within Europe for many centries. It brought together the nations of Europe, under a secure place, somehow like the U.S. has. Europe today has its very own military, that all the nations participate in, from the European Union. Europe was successful in stoping the conflict that it had within itself.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Film Lesson -"The Right Stuff"

The US and the USSR were competing in the film "The Right Stuff". The USSR was winning this competition. They way they were winning the competition because they sent a human up to space first, before the US. The scene that would help me remember the Cold War would have to be when the man ran into the presidents office, and trips, and they said your late again. I think this scene would help me remember the cold war best.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Cuban Missile Crisis

The Cuban Missile Crisis was an large event, even if there wasn't any major war. It was an event that led close to being a start of a nuclear war. Khrushchev had built missiles in Cuba secretly. By him doing this the United States saw it as a threat to them. The missiles were only spotted because of an American spy plane. Once president John F. Kennedy found out about the missiles in Cuba he demanded for them to be removed by the Soviet Union. Khrushchev agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba, but only if the United States promised to not invade Cuba itself. Then came along a letter which read, that the United States are to remove the missiles in Turkey. The reason for doing this is for the exchange of the Soviets removing the missiles in Cuba. John F. Kennedy told the Soviets to remove the missiles in Cuba first. The Soviets agreed to this and removed their missiles. This was the hottest point of the Cold war. The reason for this being because, everyone was so scared that there would be a nuclear war. The people were more alert then ever before in history. Everybody wanted to know what would happen next. Everyone knew that there was a very small amount between what was going on, and a start to a nuclear war. To calm everything down John F. Kennedy made an extremely smart choice, so that the nuclear war would be prevented. John F. Kennedy's choice was to put the missiles away, instead of attacking one another.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Nato and the Warsaw Pact

The NATO was known as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The NATO was formed in North America, and in Europe. NATO was established on April 4th of 1949. The main reason for this treaty was so they could have defense if one of the countries got attacked. Also it was a defense of communism. Basically if one of the countries was getting attacked the other countries would come and help them out. The NATO would provide each other with economies aid, and also support for the countries. The Warsaw Pact was also another sort of group that originated from European communist states. This was the Soviet Union developing there "response" to NATO. Warsaw Pact was established on May 1st of 1955.These states were from central and eastern Europe. The reason for the Warsaw Pact was so that can counter the alliance made by the NATO treaty. These alliances were both strong. Even though these two different alliances had opposite goals, both of them were able to avoid major conflict